where does the dialog take place

where does the dialog take place

Dalam menentukan dialog tersebut terjadi dimana, kita bisa dengan mudah mengetahuinya dari konteks dialognya. Bila konteks dialog berkisar tentang kegiatan di sekolah, maka dialog tersebut pasti terjadi di sekolahan. Terkadang, dalam dialog juga terdapat “clue” tentang tempat dimana dialog tersebut terjadi.


Nidar: What are you doing Emily?

Emily: Nidar, I am trying to find my bulletin.

Nidar: Let me help you find it.

Emily: Thanks.

Nidar: By the way, where did you last put it?

Emily: I put it in my drawer after I showed it to Tiara.

Nidar: Err… Does it have light green cover and an illustration of people working?

Emily: Yes, that’s right. How do you know it?

Nidar: Look! There is a bound of books under the teacher’s desk. It could be your bulletin.

Emily: I hope so.

Pertanyaan: where does the dialog take place?

Jawaban: It takes place in the class.

Semoga membantu. Terimakasih 🙂

where does the dialog take place It takes place in the class.

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