look at the picture and choose the best wish

look at the picture and choose the best wish

a cingratulatons on your sickness
b gett well sonn my friend
c why are you sick?
d don`t be sick

2 look at the picture and choose the best wish
a have a great school day my friend
b l like the way you speak congratulations
c congratulations on your graduation I`m happy for you
d congratulations on being the best singer you did it very well

3 look at the picture and choose the best wish
a congratulations on your achievement
b congratulatons on your graduation
c have a wonderful birthday!
d have a great journey!


1. Look at the picture and choose the best wish

Get well soon my friend (b)

2. look at the picture and choose the best wish

Have a great school day my friend (a)

3. look at the picture and choose the best wish

Have a wonderful journey (c)

Have a great journey (d)


Soal di atas sebaiknya dilampirkan dengan gambar yang berhubungan dengan pertanyaan. Jawaban saya berdasarkan kata kunci ‘best wish’ yang berarti doa yang terbaik. Berarti ungkapan yang kemungkinan digambarkan adalah mengenai suatu harapan.

Baca juga  Kepanjangan dari SST adalah?

Soal nomor 1 merupakan pengharapan agar teman saya cepat sembuh.

Soal nomor 2 merupakan pengharapan mendapatkan hari yang indah di sekolah.

Soal nomor 3 mempunyai dua jawaban yang hampir sama, yaitu pengharapan agar perjalanan yang sedang dilakukan indah dan menyenangkan.